EPISODE #125-- Today Alex and James talk about Apex: Legends, a big BitCoin blow-out, an imaginary bear friend, a polar bear apocalypse in (where else?) Russia, and the saving of a precious old man wombat. Plus we talk about the documentary "Fyre Fraud" from Hulu! Support our show at Patreon.com/quality! Follow James on twitter @kislingtwits and Alex @giraffetermath. Follow us on tumblr at https://worldsamess.tumblr.com/. Donate directly to James at Ko-fi.com/T6T16E5D. Thanks to Sef Joosten for our show art (http://spexdoodles.tumblr.com). Our theme music is "The World's a Mess" by X. Thanks to our sources at Gizmodo, CCN, CBC, Guardian, Siberian Times, Telegraph, and Hulu. Please support real journalism! #BearNews #Bears #Russia #Children #VideoGames #BitCoin #BlockChain #PolarBears #Wombats #Australia #THEFUTURE