EPISODE #108-- What's this one about? Oh, right, today we talk about a free-wheeler at a gym, America's love affair with messing up prophylatics, and a drug dog with a cartel bounty on its head. All this and more Married With Children talk and some first grade geography facts. Support our show at Patreon.com/quality. Follow James on twitter @kislingtwits and Alex @giraffetermath. Follow us on tumblr at https://worldsamess.tumblr.com/. Thanks to Sef Joosten for our show art (http://spexdoodles.tumblr.com). Our theme music is "The World's a Mess" by X. Thanks to our sources at the Washington Post, CBS Boston, WBZTV, CDC, Daily Mail, and Insight Crime. #Crime #WarOnDrugs #Dogs #Africa #Namibia #FamilyPlanning #WrapItUp #Vaping