EPISODE #93-- Today's stories include gold falling from the sky, the death of a snake-kisser, a conspiracy theorist politician, and Jesus' return and robbery of a Pizza Hut. Plus, we talk about other conspiracy theories and what Jay-Z is like on his off days. Support our show at Patreon.com/quality. Follow James on twitter @kislingtwits and Alex @giraffetermath. Thanks to Sef Joosten for our show art (http://spexdoodles.tumblr.com). Our theme music is "The World's a Mess" by X. Thanks to our sources at New York Times, BBC, Washington Post, WBRI-NC, and WFMY. #Russia #Gold #PizzaHut #Jesus #Christ #Snakes #Conspiracies #MKUltra #JayZ #DayZ #DayJ #DrJ #WoundCube