EPISODE #129-- World's a Mess is back with some new equipment! Alex calls in to talk about all of the latest, important news: Grand theft tank, ancient wolf heads, and President Duterte, one of the dumbest of all grandpas, shoots his mouth off again! All this and more on today's World's a Mess! Support our show at Patreon.com/quality! Follow James on twitter @kislingtwits and Alex @giraffetermath. Follow us on tumblr at https://worldsamess.tumblr.com/. Donate directly to James at Ko-fi.com/T6T16E5D. Thanks to Sef Joosten for our show art (http://spexdoodles.tumblr.com). Our theme music is "The World's a Mess" by X. Thanks to our sources at the Associated Press, RT, CBS News, Siberian Times, Newsweek, and Rappler. Please support real journalism! #BenShapiroStillSucks #Russia #Siberia #Wolves #AnimalNew #Tank #Poland #WarOnDrugs #Phillipines #AsiaNews #RussiaNews #Metal