EPISODE #50-- Don't expect anything special for our Silver Anniversary show, because we consider every episode to be special. Also, we forgot and didn't plan ahead. Anyways, today we get into it about an unfortunately named donor of, uh, genetic material, some escaped pigs, and a follow up on the Fyre Festival. We also get into it about Amber Alerts, dumb late-stage capitalism, and the pod dog. Also, CORRECTION: The lawyer I talk about at the end of the episode is not Alan Dershowitz. I am thinking about William Kunstler. Totally different people. Plus, Alex's Music Corner! Thanks to Sef Joosten for our show art. Our theme music is "The World's a Mess (It's In My Kiss)" by X. Thanks to our sources at New York Post, CBS News, and Vice (and see our Facebook page for more sources!). Please support real journalism. Subscribe to something today! #Pigs #Swines #FyreFestival #NightGuard #WilliamKunstler #TheLaw #HJonBenjamin #News
EPISODE #49-- We're back again this week, bringing you the news that you crave. Today we talk about Hobby Lobby getting caught with its hand in the crypt, selling pancake mix instead of coke, grandma grounding a jet, and the return of Canuck the Crow! We also get into it about Pomona, the origin of drugs in America, the stupidity and the malice of the prison-industrial complex, and when is it okay to make fun of other cultures (probably never, but if you do, make sure that you're consistent about it). Thanks to Sef Joosten for our show art. Our theme music is "The World's a Mess (It's In My Kiss)" by X. Thanks to our sources at BBC, DOJ, Munchies, Vice, and SCPM (and see our Facebook page for more sources!). Please support real journalism. Subscribe to something today! #Canada #China #BirdLaw #Crows #13thAmendment #Birbs #WarOnDrugs #IsAJoke #Pomona #WeDontKnowAnything
EPISODE #48-- Despite this powerful heat, Alex and James soldier on to bring you the news. On today's episode they deal with engine-eating varmints, raccoon involved shootings, roman candle fights gone wrong, and dudes smashing stuff for freedom.Thanks to Sef Joosten for our show art. Our theme music is "The World's a Mess (It's In My Kiss)" by X. Thanks to our sources at Westways, AAA, KOMO, King 5, and Arkansas Online (and see our Facebook page for more sources!). Please support real journalism. Subscribe to something today! #10Commandments #Freedom #Raccoon #MintJelup #Monkey #ClayHigginsIsAPig
EPISODE #47-- Besides ragging on Boston, James and Alex also get into it about a number of other Vital and Important news stories. Those stories include hate crimes against man-animal buskers, a stolen mummy toe, a bunch of creepy Nazi collectibles, and a coke den/daycare center. It's wild out there. Thanks to Sef Joosten for our show art. Our theme music is "The World's a Mess (It's In My Kiss)" by X. Thanks to our sources at Vice, the Los Angeles Times, the New York Times, and the Vancouver Sun (and see our Facebook page for more sources!). Please support real journalism. Subscribe to something today!
#Argentina #Argentinia #Cops #Nazis #HitlersGold #MrHamster #Boston
EPISODE #46-- Today on the show Alex and James get into it about scammers making movies, North Koreans on their North Korean grind, more criminal avocado news, and the current status of witchcraft and dueling in the great state of Canada. We also get into it about messing your pants, California's worst small cities, and the aftermath of commemorating the Armenian Genocide. Thanks to Sef Joosten for our show art. Our theme music is "The World's a Mess (It's In My Kiss)" by X. Thanks to our sources at Vice and the Los Angeles Times (and see our Facebook page for more sources!). Please support real journalism. Subscribe to something today! #NorthKorea #Malaysia #Avocados #Crime #Basquiat #DaddysHome2
EPISODE #45-- James and Alex start with a harrowing account of driving gone wrong, and then get into the real news: The News. On today's episode they rap about a Mormon cultist brought to justice, a man's flaming underoos, and an avocado. . . WITH A BULLET! They also talk about how creepy religious cloisters are (and listen to James fail to name exactly which one that he's talking about), what's the matter with cops today, and the works of Abe Vigoda. They also cut out a story about that Millwall guy, because apparently he's, surprise, surprise, a racist jerk. Thanks to Sef Joosten for our show art. Our theme music is "The World's a Mess (It's In My Kiss)" by X. Thanks to our sources at Vice, WMUR, and Munchies (and see our Facebook page for more sources!). Please support real journalism. Subscribe to something today!
EPISODE #44-- Hey. Sup. How you doing? You doing great? Anyways, we back and we're excited. Today we have stories about how racism doesn't pay when you go to Harvard, goose droppings at the happiest place on earth TM, highway soda robbery, and a bear playing the piano. It's a light one. We also talk about more bad cops, the Manson Family, and how drugs are bad It's fun. Get it going. Thanks to Sef Joosten for our show art. Our theme music is "The World's a Mess (It's In My Kiss)" by X. Thanks to our sources at Motherboard, Vice, LA Times, Fox News, and Fox 29. Please support real journalism. #McDonalds #Disneyland #BirdNews #Racism#CharlesManson #PandasSuck